Dare to soar Telesummit

Dare to soar Telesummit

I am thrilled to announce that I will be a speaker at this year’s „Dare to Soar Telesummit“.

It will take place next Saturday starting at 10 AM (Berlin time).

You find more information and how to join on the official webpage.

Click here.


I am totally excited because I will be the one to kick off the thing as the first speaker of the day!

And this is what I will talk about:

“You’ll never know what will happen next. — And this is OK.”
How improv skills will help you thrive.

Uncertainty or losing control in life scares most of us. What if you could learn how to deal better with uncertainty? Improv skills help you to do precisely this. If you apply them, they can also make your life more vibrant and exciting.

In improv theater, the players also never know what will happen next because they can’t control their fellow players. So how do they do it? How can they create funny or moving scenes seemingly out of the blue?

In her talk, Claudia will let you in on some secrets of the trade. The most important thing is: The players don’t act randomly but follow specific “rules” and have internalized the so-called “improv mindset”.

During the talk, she will discuss guiding themes like “YES! And… — Accepting what is”, “Step by step”, “Play the scene you would love to see”, or “Fail with serenity”.

And if all the players on stage do this, then they can collaboratively create something wonderful, amazing or even great (sometimes!). Just like in life!


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